We’ve all been there. The traffic on the highway was just a bit worse than expected, your Uber driver took the wrong exit, and now you’re at risk of missing your flight. Several choice words escape your mouth as you realize what this means—you might have to wait another 24 hours to lounge on the beach in Hawaii. Unacceptable.
While you’re rushing through the check in line and bumping elbows at airport security, you look down at your hands. How many germs must you have accumulated in the last hour? How many thousands of grubby hands have been on that check in counter.
There’s no time to waste on a bathroom run, but luckily you’ve brought your pocket-sized bottle of ActiveClean hand sanitizer. With a quick spritz, your hands are germ free and ready for takeoff. Aloha Hawaii!
Try ActiveClean Free of Charge
ActiveClean may not look that terrifying to you, but for those germs on your hands, the small blue bottle spells Armageddon. Ethyl alcohol, the active ingredient recommended by the FDA, will kill 99.9% of those germs, and natural additives such as beeswax will keep your hands moisturized. Plus, with the staying power of TK, your hands are guaranteed germ free for at least 7 hours, which means you won’t have to worry about ingesting germs along with that small portion of lightly salted peanuts after takeoff.
Click here to try ActiveClean free of charge for 30 days, and get back to your active life.